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Post Covid: I think it's my season.

In the very begin of the corona virus pandemic, I was very nervous and stressed about where my next dollar was coming from. To Be honest, I was stuck in a mind set: in order to make money. I have to be physically present and virtual platforms were very foreign to me.

March 13, 2020 was the start of my panic to be honest. Not only the gyms were close, where I train personal clients through The clubs were closed too, Via Hunkomania. At that time that was roughly 60% of my income. All the pandemic shutdown stop my income flow it did not stop my bills. My bank accounts became so depleted that I was almost -$600 in the hole and over -$3000 in the rears in child support. I had seven shows that cancelled in the matter of two weeks. My two sources left were very low in output and bare producing.

I had no vehicle. I was using rentals from Avis Rental car service to drive ridesharing service a time where people were barely using the service for the Corona scare. My transmission went out on my Lincoln before the start of the year and I wasn't able to save any money properly to get another vehicle.

Then after my April visit to Virginia, Shonda and Monique encourage me to get more into my online businesses and start my virtual training classes via zoom. I took there words to the heart and started investing into their transformation journey fueling me to invest more into virtual platforms of zoom and after three weeks and very stressful promotions, I was able to get my self out of my financial hole and I haven't look back. Mr. Amber introduce me to how can get food stamps to assist my food assistance along with Janita's and Amaris's wealth of resources that made sure that I had government assistance but only for 1 month. Which was all I needed.

Now with the steady flow of income and assistance that helped me get ahead. I have a new car that's paid for. I'm almost out to rears in child support to the point I can get my passport renewed. Plus I can start raising money for my birthday bash that's coming up in September that's going to be a very high success.

Long story short, Prayer does changes things and faith without work and patience is a waste of time.

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